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Payment gateway integration in react js example

This example demonstrates how to seamlessly integrate a secure payment gateway into a React.js application, allowing users to make online transactions with ease. By utilizing modern web development practices, this integration ensures a smooth and efficient payment process for both the user and the business.

Payment gateway integration in react js github

Effortlessly incorporate secure payment processing into your React application with this GitHub repository dedicated to payment gateway integration. Streamline transactions and provide a seamless shopping experience for your users with this easy-to-use solution.

In today's digital age, businesses are continuously looking for ways to streamline their operations and improve their online presence. One of the key components to running a successful online business is having a secure and reliable payment gateway integration. Payment gateway integration allows businesses to securely process online payments from their customers in real-time. With the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, having a seamless payment gateway integration is essential for businesses to effectively conduct transactions online.

React JS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces for web applications. It provides a versatile and efficient way to create interactive and dynamic web applications. With the increasing demand for online payment solutions, integrating a payment gateway using React JS has become a common practice for businesses looking to enhance their online payment processing capabilities.

There are several payment gateways available in the market, each offering different features and functionalities. Some popular payment gateway providers include PayPal, Stripe, Square, and Each payment gateway has its own API documentation and integration requirements, making it essential for developers to understand the specific integration process for their chosen payment gateway.

In this article, we will explore how to integrate a payment gateway using React JS. We will walk through an example of integrating a payment gateway using the Stripe API. Stripe is a popular payment gateway provider known for its ease of integration and robust security features.

To get started with integrating a payment gateway using React JS, you will need to have a Stripe account and obtain your API keys. You can sign up for a free Stripe account at and navigate to the Dashboard to retrieve your test and live API keys.

Once you have your API keys, you can start by creating a new React JS project using create-react-app. Open your terminal and run the following command:

npx create-react-app payment-gateway-example

Next, navigate to your project directory and install the Stripe package using npm:

npm install stripe

Now, you can create a new component for handling the payment gateway integration. Create a new file named PaymentForm.js inside the src/components directory and add the following code:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { CardElement, useStripe, useElements } from '@stripe/react-stripe-js';

const PaymentForm = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const stripe = useStripe();
const elements = useElements();

const handleSubmit = async (event) => {


const cardElement = elements.getElement(CardElement);

// Create a payment method using the card element
const { error, paymentMethod } = await stripe.createPaymentMethod({
type: 'card',
card: cardElement,

if (error) {
} else {
// Handle successful payment


return (


export default PaymentForm;

In the PaymentForm component, we are using the CardElement component provided by the Stripe API to capture the customer's card information. We are also using the useStripe and useElements hooks to access the Stripe object and Elements object for creating a payment method.

Next, you can create a new file named PaymentGateway.js inside the src/components directory and add the following code:

import { Elements } from '@stripe/react-stripe-js';
import { loadStripe } from '@stripe/stripe-js';
import PaymentForm from './PaymentForm';

const stripePromise = loadStripe('YOUR_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY');

const PaymentGateway = () => {
return (


export default PaymentGateway;

In the PaymentGateway component, we are using the Elements component provided by the Stripe API to wrap the PaymentForm component and pass the Stripe object created using the loadStripe function with your publishable key.

Finally, you can render the PaymentGateway component inside the src/App.js file:

import React from 'react';
import PaymentGateway from './components/PaymentGateway';

function App() {
return (

Payment Gateway Integration in React JS Example


export default App;

Now, when you run your React JS project using npm start, you should see a payment form with a card input field and a pay button. When a customer submits their card information, the payment method will be created using the Stripe API, and you can handle the successful payment response accordingly.

In conclusion, integrating a payment gateway using React JS is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance your online payment processing capabilities. By following the example above and using the Stripe API, you can create a secure and efficient payment gateway integration for your online business. Remember to always test your payment gateway integration thoroughly to ensure a seamless and secure payment experience for your customers.

Payment gateway integration services

Streamline your online payment process with our expert payment gateway integration services. Securely accept payments and increase conversion rates with ease.