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Payment gateway integration react native example

This example demonstrates how to seamlessly integrate a payment gateway into a React Native application, allowing users to securely make purchases and transactions within the app. It showcases the efficient use of APIs and libraries to streamline the payment process and enhance the overall user experience.

Payment gateway integration react native github

An easy-to-use, customizable payment gateway integration for React Native apps, available on GitHub for developers. Streamline transactions securely and efficiently with this open-source solution.

Payment gateway integration is a crucial aspect of any mobile application that requires online transactions. With the increasing demand for e-commerce and online services, it has become essential for developers to incorporate secure and reliable payment gateways into their applications. In this article, we will discuss how to integrate a payment gateway into a React Native application with an example.

React Native is a popular framework for developing cross-platform mobile applications. It allows developers to write code once and deploy it on both Android and iOS platforms. Integrating payment gateways in React Native applications can be a challenging task, but with the right guidance and resources, it can be done smoothly.

There are several payment gateways available in the market, such as PayPal, Stripe, Square, and Braintree, among others. Each gateway has its own set of features and pricing plans, so it is important to choose the one that best fits the requirements of your application.

For this example, we will demonstrate how to integrate the Stripe payment gateway into a React Native application. Stripe is a popular payment gateway known for its ease of use, security, and developer-friendly APIs.

To begin, we need to create a Stripe account and obtain our API keys. These API keys will be used to authenticate our application with the Stripe server and enable secure transactions. Once we have our API keys, we can start integrating the Stripe SDK into our React Native application.

First, we need to install the Stripe SDK package by running the following command in the terminal:

npm install @stripe/stripe-react-native

Next, we need to import the Stripe SDK in our code and initialize it with our API keys. We can do this by adding the following code snippet to our main application file:

import Stripe from '@stripe/stripe-react-native'


publishableKey: pk_test_API_KEY,


Now that we have initialized the Stripe SDK with our API keys, we can proceed to create a payment form in our application. We will create a simple form with input fields for card number, expiration date, CVV, and cardholder name.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { View, TextInput, Button } from 'react-native';

const PaymentForm = () => {
const [cardNumber, setCardNumber] = useState('');
const [expiry, setExpiry] = useState('');
const [cvv, setCvv] = useState('');
const [cardholder, setCardholder] = useState('');

const handlePayment = () => {
const cardDetails = {
number: cardNumber,
expMonth: parseInt(expiry.split('/')[0]),
expYear: parseInt(expiry.split('/')[1]),
cvc: cvv,
name: cardholder,

.then((result) => {
// Payment successful
.catch((error) => {
// Payment failed

return (

placeholder=Card Number
onChangeText={(text) => setCardNumber(text)}
placeholder=Expiration (MM/YY)
onChangeText={(text) => setExpiry(text)}
onChangeText={(text) => setCvv(text)}
placeholder=Cardholder Name
onChangeText={(text) => setCardholder(text)}