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Stripe-react native is a library that allows developers to easily integrate Stripe payments into their React Native apps, providing a seamless and secure payment processing experience for users. With simple installation and comprehensive documentation, it is the go-to solution for handling online payments in mobile applications.

React-native-razorpay - npm

React Native library for integrating Razorpay payment gateway in mobile applications with ease and convenience. Simplifies the process of accepting payments securely and efficiently in React Native projects.

Stripe is a popular online payment processing platform that is used by millions of businesses around the world to accept payments. For businesses that operate on mobile platforms, integrating Stripe into their app is a seamless way to offer customers a secure and convenient way to make payments. In this article, we will discuss how you can easily integrate Stripe into your React Native app using the Stripe-React Native library.

Stripe-React Native is a simple and easy-to-use library that allows developers to integrate Stripe into their React Native apps with minimal effort. With just a few lines of code, you can start accepting payments using Stripe in your app.

To get started with integrating Stripe into your React Native app, you will first need to install the Stripe-React Native library. You can do this by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install react-native-stripe

Once you have installed the library, you will need to set up a Stripe account if you do not already have one. This will allow you to generate the necessary API keys that you will need to make payments using Stripe in your app.

To set up your Stripe account, simply go to the Stripe website and create a new account. Once you have created your account, navigate to the dashboard and click on the “Developers” tab. Here, you will find your API keys, which you will need to include in your React Native app in order to authenticate with the Stripe API.

To integrate Stripe into your React Native app, you will first need to create a new component that will handle the payment processing logic. In this component, you will need to import the necessary functions from the Stripe-React Native library, as well as the API keys that you generated in your Stripe account.

import { StripeProvider, Elements } from 'react-native-stripe';
import { STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY } from 'your_api_keys_file';

Next, you will need to set up the Stripe provider with your API keys and wrap your payment form in an `Elements` component. This will allow you to create a secure payment form that is connected to the Stripe API.



In the `PaymentForm` component, you can create a simple form that collects the necessary payment information from the user, such as their card number, expiration date, and CVC code. You can then use the `CardField` component from the Stripe-React Native library to securely collect and validate this information.

import { CardField } from 'react-native-stripe';

const PaymentForm = () => {
const handlePayment = async (values) => {
try {
const paymentResponse = await createPayment(values);
} catch (error) {

return (

number: '4242 4242 4242 4242',
expiry: 'MM/YY',
cvc: 'CVV',


In the `handlePayment` function, you can call the `createPayment` function, which will use the Stripe API to process the payment and return a response. You can then handle this response however you like, such as displaying a success message to the user or redirecting them to a confirmation page.

const createPayment = async (values) => {
const paymentMethod = await stripe.createPaymentMethod({
type: 'card',
card: {
number: values.number,
expMonth: values.expiry.split('/')[0],
expYear: values.expiry.split('/')[1],
cvc: values.cvc,

const paymentIntent = await stripe.confirmPayment({
amount: 1000,
currency: 'USD',

return paymentIntent;

By following these simple steps, you can easily integrate Stripe into your React Native app and start accepting payments from your customers. With the Stripe-React Native library, you can create a seamless payment experience that is both secure and convenient for your users. So why wait? Start integrating Stripe into your React Native app today and start accepting payments with ease.

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