This repository contains code for integrating the Stripe payment gateway with a Laravel 8 application, allowing for seamless and secure online transactions. Utilizing Stripe's robust API and Laravel's powerful framework, this integration provides a reliable and user-friendly payment solution for e-commerce websites.
Laravel cashier paypal
Laravel Cashier Paypal is a simple and elegant way to add PayPal payment options to your Laravel applications, making it easy for customers to pay for products and services.
With seamless integration and easy setup, Laravel Cashier Paypal provides a secure and reliable payment gateway for processing transactions and managing subscriptions.
Stripe is a well-known and widely used payment gateway that enables businesses to accept online payments securely and efficiently. With its easy-to-use API and extensive documentation, integrating Stripe into your Laravel 8 project is a straightforward process that can help you streamline your payment processing and enhance the overall user experience.
In this article, we will explore how to integrate Stripe payment gateway into a Laravel 8 project using GitHub as our version control system. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to set up Stripe payments in your Laravel application and start accepting payments from your customers in no time.
Getting Started with Laravel 8
Before we begin integrating Stripe into our Laravel project, make sure you have a basic understanding of Laravel 8 and have a Laravel project set up on your local machine. If you are new to Laravel, you can refer to the official Laravel documentation for guidance on setting up a new project or follow a tutorial to get started.
Install Stripe PHP Library
To start integrating Stripe into your Laravel project, you will need to install the Stripe PHP library using Composer. Open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of your Laravel project. Then, run the following command to install the Stripe PHP library:
composer require stripe/stripe-php
This will add the Stripe PHP library to your project's dependencies and make it available for use in your application.
Create a Stripe Account
Before you can start accepting payments using Stripe, you will need to create a Stripe account. Head over to the Stripe website and sign up for an account. Once you have created an account, you will be able to access your API keys, which are essential for integrating Stripe into your Laravel application.
Set Up Stripe API Keys
After creating a Stripe account, you will need to retrieve your API keys in order to authenticate your requests to the Stripe API. Log in to your Stripe account and navigate to the API section to find your publishable and secret API keys. Copy these keys and store them securely in your Laravel project's .env file:
Make sure to replace 'your_publishable_key' and 'your_secret_key' with the actual API keys you obtained from your Stripe account. These keys will be used to authenticate your requests to the Stripe API and enable secure communication between your Laravel application and Stripe.
Create a Payment Form
To accept payments from your customers using Stripe, you will need to create a payment form in your Laravel application. Start by creating a new Blade view file (e.g. payment.blade.php) in your resources/views directory and add the following HTML code to create a simple payment form:
This form contains input fields for the customer's name, email, and payment amount, along with a submit button that will trigger the payment process when clicked. Make sure to define a POST route for this form in your routes/web.php file:
use IlluminateSupportFacadesRoute;
Route::view('/payment', 'payment');
Route::post('/stripe/payment', [PaymentController::class, 'processPayment'])->name('stripe.payment');
Processing Payments with Stripe
Next, create a new controller (e.g. PaymentController) in your Laravel project and implement the processPayment method to handle the payment processing logic. In this method, you will use the Stripe PHP library to create a payment intent and charge the customer's credit card using the Stripe API. Here's a basic example of how you can process payments with Stripe in Laravel:
namespace AppHttpControllers;
use IlluminateHttpRequest;
use StripeStripe;
use StripePaymentIntent;
class PaymentController extends Controller
public function processPayment(Request $request)
$payment_intent = PaymentIntent::create([
'amount' => $request->amount * 100,
'currency' => 'usd',
return view('payment.success', ['client_secret' => $payment_intent->client_secret]);
In this code snippet, we set the Stripe API key using the STRIPE_SECRET environment variable and create a new PaymentIntent object with the specified amount and currency. We then pass the client_secret of the PaymentIntent object to the success view, where we will confirm the payment and display a success message to the customer.
Displaying a Payment Success Message
After processing the payment with Stripe, you can display a success message to the customer to confirm that the payment was successful. Create a new Blade view file (e.g. success.blade.php) in your resources/views directory and add the following code to display a success message to the customer:
Payment Successful
Your payment was successful. Thank you for your purchase!
Make sure to include this view file in your PaymentController's processPayment method to render the success message to the customer after the payment has been processed:
return view('payment.success', ['client_secret' => $payment_intent->client_secret]);
Testing Stripe Payments
Once you have completed the integration of Stripe payment gateway into your Laravel 8 project, you can test the payment processing functionality using test credit card details provided by Stripe. To simulate a successful payment, you can use the following test credit card information:
- Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Expiration Date: Any future date
- CVC: Any 3-digit number
- ZIP: Any 5-digit ZIP code
By entering this test credit card information in your payment form, you can trigger a successful payment transaction and verify that the payment processing logic is working correctly in your Laravel application.
In this article, we have covered the process of integrating the Stripe payment gateway into a Laravel 8 project using GitHub as our version control system. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up Stripe payments in your Laravel application and start accepting payments from your customers securely and efficiently.
With its easy-to-use API and comprehensive documentation, Stripe provides a reliable payment processing solution that can help you streamline your payment workflows and enhance the overall user experience of your online store or e-commerce platform. By leveraging the power of Stripe in your Laravel project, you can simplify the process of accepting online payments and focus on growing your business while providing a seamless payment experience for your customers.
Payment gateway integration services
Streamline your online payment process with our expert payment gateway integration services. Securely accept payments and increase conversion rates with ease.